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  • Writer's pictureTraveller Devyn

What is Travel?

Travel is more than any definition, its meaning is subjective, and there are hundreds of reasons why you should do it.


Packing your suitcase either two weeks or two hours before leaving for the airport, double-checking the time of departure more than twice, repeating “passport, tickets, money”, hearing new accents and putting faith in strangers, being immersed in the unfamiliar, being left in awe at beautiful landmarks and comprehending the unknown; this is what travel is to me. Travel presents itself in various forms, such as being part of a tour like Contiki or backpacking independently. It is possible through a myriad of transport modes, in different lengths of time and in varying kilometres from home.

Put simply, however, travel is defined as going on a journey or visiting different places. While this definition is used to explain the term itself, the meaning of travel is extremely subjective and dependent on the traveller’s own reasoning, motivation and goal. So, let’s explore the reasons why 1.4 billion individuals travelled internationally in 2018, and why you should too.

Aside from the physical benefits derived from walking tens of thousands of steps everyday while sightseeing, travelling has proven to be extremely beneficial to one’s mental health. Exploring a new city, state or country separates yourself from daily routines and sources of stress which explains why after only two days of travelling, 89% of participants in a 2013 study reported a significant decrease in stress. Being away from one’s own comfort zone can also encourage self-reflection and the development of self-identity. Opportunities for improved problem-solving skills are also presented when overcoming language barriers and dealing with foreign currency, among other things.

Most importantly, travelling allows you to make beautiful memories, extend your social network across the globe, improve your cultural understanding and boost your overall happiness.

Unlike when travel was either strictly for the sole purpose of business or, in terms of the purpose of pleasure, was reserved to the upper classes, travelling has become more possible than ever before for a wide array of reasons. Undeniably, one of the biggest influences has been improvements in technology and increasing internet availability. We are now able to use the Internet to instantly purchase flights that have been aggregated and filtered based on price and duration, to book accommodation based on the reviews of other travellers, and to navigate strange, new cities with the touch of a phone, an app, and with location services enabled.

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